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There are many reasons Batman is so effective at his mission. Years of training and education have prepared him to face almost any challenge. And then there are his masterful use of gadgets and technology. But even these elements of his skill set come from somewhere, something greater than himself. Think about it. Bruce would not be the Batman we know without his inheritance. Not only did his parents leave a staggering financial estate, but they also exemplified hard work, and in the end, embodied the ultimate sacrifice. Without the wealth and resources handed down to him, Bruce would have lacked the opportunity to reach his full potential. Without his parents death, he would have lacked the perspective to give himself completely to his pursuit of justice and helping others.

As Christians, we too have an inheritance from our Father--one greater than the entire net worth of all of Wayne Enterprises and its subsidiaries. 1 Peter 1:3-4 reminds us that through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, we have been given an "inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading." The real lesson here is that we are not talking about money. Like Bruce, we have inherited something far greater than a mansion atop a toy-filled cave. We have been given a calling. A call to become more. To use the gift we have been given to save not just lives, but souls. And while we may have been given everything we need, even Bruce did not become Batman overnight. Everyday you will struggle. Sometimes you will fail. But never forget. You are an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven.

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